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Work With Bea


Bea Boccalandro enjoys providing feedback and suggestions to corporate boards, CEOs and other senior executives on how to ignite workplace purpose or otherwise conduct corporate social responsibility (CSR). 


Bea helps companies design and measure the business and social impact of their corporate social responsibility – including their job purposing, corporate community involvement, employee volunteering, cause marketing and grant making.



Bea Boccalandro enjoys providing feedback and suggestions to corporate boards, CEOs and other senior executives on how to ignite workplace purpose or otherwise conduct corporate social responsibility (CSR). 


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Bea’s Illustrated Blog

A drawing of a marble column partially crumbled

The mistake we make living our values

My grandmother, Iginia Alamo, once befriended a woman intent on ousting my grandfather, Antonio Alamo, from the Venezuelan government. My grandfather didn’t object to the friendship. In fact, he instigated it. The family foe and friend, Maria Josefa Aristeguieta, had recently co-led a nearly successful insurrection that had killed a governor, among many others. My grandfather was the newly appointed replacement for the deceased governor and, thus, a target for Maria Josefa’s activism. How did my grandparents end up cozying up to a dangerous antagonist? Soon after my grandfather assumed his governorship, the police chief boasted that his men were humiliating Maria Josefa with intrusive

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